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Política ExteriorNOVIEMBRE 15, 2016 09:21 AM

Communique in support of the International Criminal Court

     In relation with the recent announcement by some State Parties of their decision to withdraw from the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Argentina, Costa Rica, Chile, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panamá, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela, State Parties to the Rome Statute from Latin America and the Caribbean, express their deep regret over these decisions.

     While recognizing it is the sovereign right of States to withdraw from international treaties, we are concerned of how these decisions can negatively impact victims¨ access to justice and reparations.

     We wish to affirm our faith in the value of the universality of the Rome Statute towards which all of us are fully committed. In this regard, our countries want to express our commitment to continue strengthening the landmark steps that the international community has been taking towards the common goal of combating impunity and delivering global criminal justice for the victims of the most serious crimes of international concern.

     Therefore, we encourage all stakeholders to engage in a constructive dialogue to address any concerns that may arise, while fully respecting the integrity of the Rome Statute and the independence of the Court.

     While the International Criminal Court may be facing new challenges, we are sure that they are not insurmountable , and that with the support and commitment of State Parties to the Rome Statute and  other UN Member States we will continue advancing towards a world where accountability rules are fully supported.

     In this regard, we recall the paramount contribution of the International Criminal Court to the fight against impunity and reiterate our support to all the efforts made by the Court in this regard. We also wish to recall that the Court is an independent judicial institution, bound by the Rome Statute and carrying out its mandate in an impartial manner.

     We are convinced of the need to preserve the integrity of the Rome Statute, and the independence of the Court, in order for the ICC  to be able to continue  fulfilling its mandate to bring justice against impunity and reparations to the victims of mass atrocities.

     In particular n the current context , and taking into account the pressing global circumstances our group would also like to recall the principle of complementarity, which affirms that States have the primary responsibility to exercise jurisdiction and to ensure an effective prevention and prosecution of crimes under the Rome Statute Considering the imperative to ensure that all States cooperate with the International Criminal Court according to their international obligations, we  call upon States to continue to do so and to strengthen all possible efforts in this regard.

     Inspired by the indissoluble commitment to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the Rome Statute, we reaffirm our support to the shared goal of lasting peace and justice.